Our mission is to bring awareness to the public about the different types of disabilities and the lives of the people affected by them. Through creating this website we hope to encourage acceptance, inclusion, and understanding so that we can make people from being ignorant about disabilities to being educatated and accepting about them .
This website serves the purpose of showing the ranges of disabilities and the effects on the people have them. Most disabilities have ranges such as visual impairment which scales from blurry vision to complete blindness. As humans we need to be accepting of everyone regardless of who they are. This website serves to put people a step in the right direction by educatating them about this.
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Americans with Disabilities ActVision Impairment is something everyone will eventually face within their life. Vision impairment is a huge umbrella that represents multiple conditions such as refractive error, cataracts, glaucoma, age related macular degeneration, childhood blindness, trachoma, opacification, etc. Vision impairment doesn't just refer to blind people, those whom have partial vision are also identified as visually impaired.
If you need better sight or check your eyes you can probably just go to your local eye doctor and get a prescription and a pair of glasses and your health insurance will cover it, however not everyone has the same advantages for example if you went to a country like North Korea and you got cataracts chances are you probably wouldn't get cured because their leader doesn’t care about his people (a large population has cataracts due to the lack of sunlight and famine) . Health care isn’t something accessible to everyone for multiple reasons (not all countries have money and poverty is a issue that also plays a role). Eye care should be a right, but unfortunately the world we live in does not prioritize everyone. Society doesn't take much into account when it comes to sight due to money issues, it becomes clear that people value money more than helping others most of the time.
Want to experience how people with vision impairment see the world? Click here. Close DisabilityMental health is important especially since many people have mental health illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and personality disorder. These all are very common, in fact millions of people are diagnosed with some type of mental health illness in the US alone. A large portion of the world population has some form of one of these mental illnesses. Depending on the type of illness one has the situations may vary, for example people with depression may not have the same issues as someone with personality disorder, they are all very different but are all related to mental health. They all can be treated by therapy but not cured.
Mental health is one of those things that are talked about often especially in schools. Many celebrities have depression or anxiety to the point where they commit suicide. Clearly this is a topic that needs to be addressed. It not only needs to be talked about, but we also need to take action and encourage them to get help, however everyone's different so we need to find way to target everyone in a way which they feel they are valuable and worth living. Even though these illness aren't curable, we can find a way to get people to talk and feel they have purpose, because everyone on this planet does!
Want to hear people describing how it feels to have a mental disorder? Click here! Close DisabilityWe use our ears daily, it's something we depend on, however as we age our hearing will get worse and you will no longer able to depend on it. That may be the average person's point of view on hearing, as for some people were born without hearing. In general older people are most affected by loss of hearing. There are over 200,000 cases per year in the US alone. Many with hearing loss end up having depression and anxiety.
There are two types of hearing impairment, sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing is when there is damage to the auditory nerve or inner ear, it results in permanent loss of hearing. Conductive hearing loss is when soundwaves have a difficult time traveling outer part of the ear making it difficult to hear certain sounds. It’s a possibility, people whom have loss of hearing are often affected when people ask question about their hearing (asking someone too many questions about themselves is never good). The are many organizations and programs made to help support those who have problems hearing!
Want to read an article and watch a video about this topic, click here. Close DisabilityA physical disability is when someone has a physical disadvantage, whether it's because a bone is broken and walk for a few months or paralyzed from the waist down, they're all forms of physical disability, and trust us there are a lot! Some are temporary while other physical disabilities are permanent.
This disability is probably the most known type of disability since the disabled sign is a handicapped figure. We need to spread awareness so when creating buildings or navigating through subway stations the creators keep in mind that not everyone has the ability to walk to get around easily so instead of leaving the minority for last. Everyone should be a priority and there will be no change until we do something about it!
To hear the story about the life of a disabled person, Close DisabilityThere isn’t just cause as to why someone may have autism. Its due a mixture of both genetic and nongenetic reasons. Autism it something many children are born with. Those with autism struggle with social interacting, communicating, and behaving. This disability is not curable but like mental illness can be treated with things like speech therapy an educational support.
Children with autism often stutter, and have a difficult time speaking to people, that is if they have interest in speaking to other children. Because of this disadvantage there are offensive things people say to those with autism, however just because you have a disadvantage doesn’t mean you cant be smart or do great things! People with autism try their best, what they need is to gain confidence in themselves and realize their not alone!
Want to see a video explaining this disorder? Close DisabilityPeople with intellectual disabilities have problems processing certain information. Those with intellectual disabilities are often impulsive and restless in behavior. Some causes for this disability is due to problems during pregnancy, complications during birth, exposure to toxins, complications from illnesses, malnutrition, exposure to alcohol and other drugs, trauma, sometimes the causes are even unknown.
Those with intellectual disabilities are often denied proper education because of their disability. Though it is law not to discriminate against anyone, people with all forms of disabilities are denied, just because of the fact that they have a disability.
Want to watch a cool video about this topic? Close DisabilityBeautiful black shirts for women and men. The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
Close DisabilityBeautiful black shirts for women and men. The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
Close DisabilityBeautiful white shirts for boys and girls. The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
CLOSE SHOPStylish accesories tha make bold statements.The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
CLOSE SHOPBeautiful sweaters that make bold statements.The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
CLOSE SHOPBeautiful white shirts that make bold statements.The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
CLOSE SHOPBeautiful white shirts that make bold statements.The message "my ability is greater than my disability" reminds the world that disabled people are more than disabled.
CLOSE SHOPThe American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is a national cross-disability grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the economic and political power of individuals with disabilities. AAPD works to promote equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities.
Visit AAPD CLOSE RESOURCEThe National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is the nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and the Client Assistance Programs (CAP) in the United States. NDRN provides legal advocacy, education, and support to protect and advance the civil rights of individuals with disabilities.
Visit NDRN CLOSE RESOURCESpecial Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The organization also works to ensure that every person with a disability is given the opportunity to live a full and active life.
Visit Special Olympics CLOSE RESOURCEAutism Speaks is the largest autism advocacy organization in the United States, dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Their mission includes promoting acceptance and inclusion of all people with autism, enhancing opportunities for individuals with autism, and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
Visit Autism Speaks CLOSE RESOURCEThe Braille Institute of America is a nonprofit organization that provides services and programs for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Their mission is to help individuals achieve their goals by offering education, technology training, health services, and recreational activities.
Visit Braille Institute CLOSE RESOURCEThe Arc is a leading community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families. Their mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with disabilities and actively support their full inclusion and participation in the community.
Visit The Arc CLOSE RESOURCEAmerican Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Canadian Association for Community Living